woensdag 4 maart 2009


So here it is, my first poker blog!

I will be using this blog to keep track of my results and evolution as an online microstakes player, posting sessions, strategy and many other usefull information.

I will be playing as matthias2009 on Pokerstars, which recently became my favorite site to play on. It's has plenty of low stakes tables, great software and themes and challenging tournaments. I also decided to purchase Holdem Manager, which is an awesome tool to keep track of your progress, as well as exploiting and recognizing your opponents leaks. 

With HM(holdem manager) purchased i still have $ 140 at my disposal, which will be my bankroll to start with. Although i enjoyed playing the 6max 10NL (which means $10 buyin for 100BB), i will have to step down a little in order to minimize my risk of busting all my money in a bad session. Decent bankroll management is crucial in order to move up the limits.


I will only play at a level where i have 20 or more buyins, aka 20000BB. For starters this will be the 0.02/0.05 tables. I will move down when i have less than 15 buyins and will move up when i have 20 buyins for the next level, in my case $200 for 10NL.

If at any time during a No-Limit or Pot-Limit cash-game session the money on the table represents more than 10 percent of my total bankroll, I must leave the game when the blinds reach me.

If you want more information about bankroll management, i suggest you take a look at the website below.

So, thats it for now, I won't be playing any poker tonight because i have to work in 30 minutes, but i'll try to play and report a decent session tomorrow.

Please excuse me for any typos.

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