vrijdag 13 maart 2009


Played 727 hands today, spreaded in two 1hour sessions. Overall i have $1 profit, lol. Could have been way more if this particular hand didn't end up in my face.

I have 8-T, my favorite hand on the cut-off (1 before button). Player A minraises to $0.10, i call aswell as the blinds. The flop comes 9 J Qrainbow, thats right, i just flopped a straight. Offcourse KT beats me here so i don't have the stonecold nuts. Both the small and the bigblind check it over to the original raiser who bets $.10 in the $.40 pot. I call and hope the blinds add some more cash to the pot (in my mind, my pot). Suprisingly the smallblind makes it .60. causing the big blind to fold and the original PFR to push allin for $.40. Now im confused, the smallblind checkraised so he might have a set, or the same hand as i have, 8T. I decide its time for action and reraise him to $2. He, having me covered completely, pushes allin for $10 and there is no way i am letting this go. i call and and way ahead of his 9J for two pair. Actually im ahead 75%, even 80% when a King comes on the river. But before i can even cheer the Jack of spades pairs the board and gives him a full house. I was digusted, stood up and was about to trow some pencils through the room but i was able to control myself. Still a very very nast bad beat.
That gives a total bankroll of $106 after 3330 hands, hoping i can get back in + before i play my 5Kth hand.

until then, good luck!

1 opmerking:

  1. check eens pkr.nl, ze hebben er elke maandag een freeroll van 100$, ik graak makkelijk tussen de mensen die uitbetaald worden, en kheb em al 1 keer gewonnen.
    25$ in de pocket
