donderdag 12 maart 2009

Im on a losing streak

So today my plan was to grind my losses back up to $150, playing tight and solid poker, guess it wasn't meant to be, because i lost a few buy-ins and now im stuck at $105. A few examples of how lucky i was:

1.I have AK on the button and utg makes it $ 0.20, i decide to spice it up to .55. The smallblind calls as well as the original raiser. The pot is $1.70 and the flop comes AQK rainbow, giving me top two pair. obviously this is still a scary board, since the smallblind or the player utg could have queens. The original raiser makes bets $ .40 and i raise it up to $1. Small blind folds quickly and UTG goes all-in for $9 or more, having me covered. I decide my two pair should do it and call, only to see he has J-10 and flopped a straight. No King or Ace on the turn or river so i lose my first buyin. 

Still i managed to keep playing tight and not let the loss affect me, or so i thought.
2. I failed to fold my Queens when the flop brought an ace, but that was because he checked it to me and called me 3bet preflop with A7...thats right, ace-seven.

3. Running my Queens into Kings.

4. Im on the button with ATo and utg makes it .20. The cutoff calls, i call and the smallblind decides to join the party aswell. All 4 of us see a flop of A7Q (yes, again A7 :o). It gets checked to me and i bet .75 into the .85 pot. Folds all around until the cutoff goes all-in for 1.90. I call quickly, supposing my top pair is enough, which is correct since he has J-10 offsuit. He needs a King to make a straight and beat me, which means i am more than a 90$% favorite after the turn (a 4). But 90% doesn't seem enough when the river brings a K and doubling him up.

Sessions like these can be quite frustrating, i tell you that, so i decided to quit, probably trying again tomorrow, hoping lady luck will be a little more kind to me than today.

Hoping to bring some better news tomorrow,
hands played: 2603
bankroll $-14.64 = $105

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