donderdag 5 maart 2009

First session

Hi, I just finished playing for 2 hours, played 4 6MAX 5NL tables and am down $2.80, which isn't too great. I had a great start when i doubled up with my AA vs AK, all the money went in preflop and the best hand won. I think i was able to double up 2 or 3 times over the whole session, but lost most of it on some bluffs i shouldn't have made.

 I played 684 hands which is good, most of the time i get tired after 200 or so. Maybe next time i should sit out and take a 5 minute break to clear my head in order to stay focussed.

I won a big hand with JK of spades, where i opened UTG for 3xBB, something i wouldn't do early in a session, where i would probably fold this hand UTG. Player behind me calls and the rest of the table folds. He has me completely covered with $ 7 stack.
The flop comes 9TQ with 2 spades, which is obviously a great flop. I decide not to put in a continuation bet (cbet% at this table at this point is 80) and check it to the player behind me who bets $0.20 in the 0.37 pot. I think a call here is best option, a raise might scare of a weak Q or a potential bluff. I make the call and the pot grows to $0.77. 
The turn is a 5, so now the board has 2clubs and 2 spades. 5 is a good card for me and decide to check it again. Villian now places a $0.60 bet in the 0.77 pot. Im sure he has a Q, maybe even Q9 for 2pair or QJ for an openended straight. I decide this is where i should get the most value and make it $1.65. He calls me and the river brings another 10 and the third club. I don't think he has two clubs (runner runner) or has QT and has me beat with a full house. At this point the pot is $4.07 and i go all in for my remaining $3 which is a great valuebet. He calls and shows Q8 for 2 pair, I win the pot for $10.07.

The biggest pot i lost was a bluff, losing $2.50 and another one where a player decided to slowplay his aces but thas was only $.70.

Even though i haven't won i feel good about this session, and somewhat of a good start for the blog.

Hope you enjoyed reading, see you next time.
BR: $ 141.54
Hands Played: 684

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