woensdag 6 mei 2009

zooo ziek.

PokerStars Game #27911216280: Tournament #161655379, $1.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2009/05/07 7:06:55 CET [2009/05/07 1:06:55 ET]
Table '161655379 1' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: matthias2009 (1440 in chips) 
Seat 2: mellkell (1465 in chips) 
Seat 3: 90alate19 (1420 in chips) 
Seat 4: iaym2plez (4550 in chips) 
Seat 6: jakesteez (1610 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 7: Billbust (1590 in chips) 
Seat 8: Sadameva (1425 in chips) 
matthias2009: posts small blind 15
mellkell: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to matthias2009 [Ad Td]
90alate19: raises 90 to 120
iaym2plez: folds 
jakesteez: folds 
Billbust: folds 
Sadameva: folds 
matthias2009: calls 105
mellkell: folds 
*** FLOP *** [Tc Ah 4h]
matthias2009: checks 
90alate19: bets 210
matthias2009: raises 390 to 600
90alate19: raises 390 to 990
matthias2009: raises 330 to 1320 and is all-in
90alate19: calls 310 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (20) returned to matthias2009
*** TURN *** [Tc Ah 4h] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [Tc Ah 4h Ks] [Qc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
matthias2009: shows [Ad Td] (two pair, Aces and Tens)
90alate19: shows [Ac Kd] (two pair, Aces and Kings)

zondag 12 april 2009


Played and won a series of Heads-Up sit'n'go's today and managed to unlock my $50 bonus!
My bankroll is now at $ 159!

woensdag 8 april 2009

You know you're running good...

..when you make quads the first hand you play. yesterdayevening i won 2 of the 3 sit n go's i played, finished second in the other one. I even made a straight flush! Too bad i have no hand histories because i was played at moens' his house on his PC.

Recent succes means my bankroll is growing again, with now $ 114.86 to play with!

vrijdag 20 maart 2009

Hi everyone, im sorry for the lack of updates this week but i haven't been able to play much.
after losing at the cash tables i decided to go back to my first love, sit-n-go tournaments!

I've been playing 5 $1 18man sit-n-go's and won 4 of them, hooray. I think i will focus my game more to these SNG's and watch some videos and read some articles in order to stay succesfull at these fun tournaments.

vrijdag 13 maart 2009


Played 727 hands today, spreaded in two 1hour sessions. Overall i have $1 profit, lol. Could have been way more if this particular hand didn't end up in my face.

I have 8-T, my favorite hand on the cut-off (1 before button). Player A minraises to $0.10, i call aswell as the blinds. The flop comes 9 J Qrainbow, thats right, i just flopped a straight. Offcourse KT beats me here so i don't have the stonecold nuts. Both the small and the bigblind check it over to the original raiser who bets $.10 in the $.40 pot. I call and hope the blinds add some more cash to the pot (in my mind, my pot). Suprisingly the smallblind makes it .60. causing the big blind to fold and the original PFR to push allin for $.40. Now im confused, the smallblind checkraised so he might have a set, or the same hand as i have, 8T. I decide its time for action and reraise him to $2. He, having me covered completely, pushes allin for $10 and there is no way i am letting this go. i call and and way ahead of his 9J for two pair. Actually im ahead 75%, even 80% when a King comes on the river. But before i can even cheer the Jack of spades pairs the board and gives him a full house. I was digusted, stood up and was about to trow some pencils through the room but i was able to control myself. Still a very very nast bad beat.
That gives a total bankroll of $106 after 3330 hands, hoping i can get back in + before i play my 5Kth hand.

until then, good luck!

donderdag 12 maart 2009

Im on a losing streak

So today my plan was to grind my losses back up to $150, playing tight and solid poker, guess it wasn't meant to be, because i lost a few buy-ins and now im stuck at $105. A few examples of how lucky i was:

1.I have AK on the button and utg makes it $ 0.20, i decide to spice it up to .55. The smallblind calls as well as the original raiser. The pot is $1.70 and the flop comes AQK rainbow, giving me top two pair. obviously this is still a scary board, since the smallblind or the player utg could have queens. The original raiser makes bets $ .40 and i raise it up to $1. Small blind folds quickly and UTG goes all-in for $9 or more, having me covered. I decide my two pair should do it and call, only to see he has J-10 and flopped a straight. No King or Ace on the turn or river so i lose my first buyin. 

Still i managed to keep playing tight and not let the loss affect me, or so i thought.
2. I failed to fold my Queens when the flop brought an ace, but that was because he checked it to me and called me 3bet preflop with A7...thats right, ace-seven.

3. Running my Queens into Kings.

4. Im on the button with ATo and utg makes it .20. The cutoff calls, i call and the smallblind decides to join the party aswell. All 4 of us see a flop of A7Q (yes, again A7 :o). It gets checked to me and i bet .75 into the .85 pot. Folds all around until the cutoff goes all-in for 1.90. I call quickly, supposing my top pair is enough, which is correct since he has J-10 offsuit. He needs a King to make a straight and beat me, which means i am more than a 90$% favorite after the turn (a 4). But 90% doesn't seem enough when the river brings a K and doubling him up.

Sessions like these can be quite frustrating, i tell you that, so i decided to quit, probably trying again tomorrow, hoping lady luck will be a little more kind to me than today.

Hoping to bring some better news tomorrow,
hands played: 2603
bankroll $-14.64 = $105

woensdag 11 maart 2009

Back to square one

Damn, last two days have been terrible for my roll. I 4 tabled on my girlfriend's laptop, without Holdem Manager, playing too loose and too aggresive and now im back at $ 134. I hope i can play some more when i am home and grind it out untill im back to atleast $ 150.

Patience is key.